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Under the Hood

If you think that what Chimney does is magic, it might help you if you learn how exactly expressions are generated.

This section aims to explain some mechanics of Chimney, at least those that might affect users and aren't just implementation details. It might explain some of the output you'll see if you enable logging from macros.


Chimney's behavior was designed with users' convenience in mind, starting with the best draft of an API and tests and then figuring out a way to implement such behavior. Over time, with feedback, we had a larger and larger list of things that users considered to be intuitive (or at least safe, especially for corner cases), which we could use as guidance, iteratively improving the design.

Oftentimes, we received conflicting opinions about what is intuitive (or safe) and we had to decide ourselves how to turn them into a deterministic specification. Which is why some of the decisions here will sound arbitrary. Yet they are deterministic and tested with specs on every supported version of Scala on every platform.

To understand the mechanics of Chimney, we need to discuss which things are calculated within DSL, when calling fluent API, and which are done within macros. Which things need to be computed in the runtime and which can be computed completely in the compile time. We will discuss each of these, recalling the reasons behind design decisions.


How users call the API and what they expect to happen, enforces a lot of design decisions. Here, we'll analyze what happens in DSL, when we're triggering automatic and semiautomatic derivation or customizing the transformer with flags or overrides.

How DSL summons Transformer instance

Users' expectations start with the attempt to transform a value without any customization.


import io.scalaland.chimney.dsl._
val source: Source = ??? // stub for what is actually here

The code above should:

  • use Transformer[Source, Target] if the user provided it
  • automatically provide a transformation if and only if the user didn't provide it
  • generate a readable error message if it cannot be generated (implicit not found doesn't make the cut)

It sounds like transformInto should be a macro, but someone might also want to use it similarly to other libraries with (automatic) derivation.


Passing Transformer with short lambda syntax

val customTransformers: List[Transformer[Source, Target]] = ??? // stub for what is actually here
val source: Source = ??? // stub for what is actually here

Passing Transformer manually

val transformer: Transformer[Source, Target] = ??? // stub for what is actually here
val source: Source = ??? // stub for what is actually here

These aren't common cases, but for debugging reasons sometimes you may want to a pass value explicitly. You wouldn't do that with a macro that summons implicit internally.

So, should the extension method look like this?


// extension method on [From](from: From)
def transformInto[To](implicit transformer: Transformer[From, To]): To = transformer.transform(from)

Well, to make it work with automatic derivation, we would have to put Transformer[From, To] into implicit scope. We'll get to details later, but for now: in macros we never want to summon implicits that the user did not provide, we always want to be able to summon implicit that the user did provide. If users are supposed to provide their instances with implicit Transformers and automatic derivation would also provide an implicit Transformer, how we would distinct user's instances from automatic ones? The solution is to make them slightly different types:


// Transformer is a subtype of AutoDerived (is more specific/constrained)
trait Transformer[From, To] extends Transformer.AutoDerived {
  def transform(src: From): To
object Transformer {
  trait AutoDerived[From, To] {
    def transform(src: From): To
  // Somewhere in the companion object we would define an implicit derivation of AutoDerived,
  // making it a low-priority(!!!) implicit and a macro.
// extension method on [From](from: From)
def transformInto[To](implicit transformer: Transformer.AutoDerived[From, To]): To = transformer.transform(from)

With such setup:

  • the user's Transformer would always be attempted first
  • then summoning would fall back on Transformer.AutoDerived if there was none (being low-priority)
  • since the automatic derivation would be a macro, it could produce a nice compiler error instead of implicit not found (in macros there are ways to fail compilation with an error)
  • when needed, we could rule out automatic derivation just by summoning Transformer instead of Transformer.AutoDerived (which is done both in macros and in import io.scalaland.chimney.syntax._)

How DSL summons PartialTransformer instance

PartialTransformers are virtually the same as Transformers. The only difference is that you should always be able to perform a partial transformation when there is Transformer, so the priority order of implicit summoning looks like this:

  • the compiler attempts to find an implicit PartialTransformer provided by the user
  • then attempts to find an implicit Transformer provided by the user and lift it to a PartialTransformer
  • finally attempts automatic derivation with a macro

How DSL manages customizations

The API call to customize the derivation could look like this:


val source: Source = ??? // stub for what is actually here
source.into[Target].withFieldConst(_.a, value).enableMethodAccessors.transform

It would have to:

  • ignore the existing Transformer[From, To] if there is one (if you wanted the existing one, you wouldn't customize it)
  • make sure that value is computed exactly once (in API we are passing computed value to a method, if it suddenly becomes an AST tree which we would copy-pasting around it could change the behavior of a program)
  • make sure that value is used only for the a field of Target
  • and that derivation would not forget that Method Accessors flag was turned on
  • somehow source would have to be saved - we cannot lose it in between all these chained calls

Carrying around the runtime configuration

How to achieve it with the summoning of an implicit? Not easily. This implicit summoning would have to somehow carry all the necessary information to create a Transformer in the type and also carry around source and value.

It is much easier to just skip the part where you create a Transformer, instantiate it, and pass into it all the transformed values. The final .transform generates the transformation expression directly without an intermediate type class instantiation.


If now you are thinking "hey, does it mean that they are NOT doing this?":

// created by .transform macro
val transformer = new Transformer { /* customized body */ }

then you are right. We do not have to unwrap the value by calling anything.

Actually, when you call macros, the whole engine generates the expression of type To (or partial.Result[To]). source.into[Target].transform inlines this generated expression directly, while automatic derivation, Transformer.derive[From, To] and Transformer.define[From, To].buildTransformer additionally:

new Transformer[From, To] {
  def transform(src: From): To =
    // use `src` as source expression for derivation (Expr[From])
    ${ derivedToExpression: Expr[To] } // paste the derived expression as Transformer's `transform` body

So only the methods that demand a type class would wrap the derived expression with it. Internally, almost all the time Chimney build just a To expression which attempt to compute the value in the leanest way possible.

So the next question is: how to pass to it all runtime values and configurations collected on the way from .into till .transform?

Well. It appears that runtime values are the easiest to store in runtime. When we call .into we are creating a wrapper


class TransformerInto[From, To]( /* ... */ ) {
  // ...
// extension method on [From](source: From)
def into[To]: TransformerInto[From, To] = new TransformerInto[From, To]( /* ... */ )

(PartialTransformer has its own PartialTransformerInto).

This is unavoidable, after all we have to define all these .withField*, .withCoproduct*, .enable*, .disable* and .transform define on something. So this something happens to be a TransformerInto class - it exists at runtime, so it is a great candidate to pass around From value for future consumption. But From is a fixed type. What about all these constants and functions that we also need to carry around? Well, inside TransformerInto there is also another value, let's call it RuntimeDataStore which collects all these values as we chain methods. Upcasting them to a common supertype: Any. So from the JVM perspective, after type erasure, what we have is similar to:


new TransformerInto(source)
  .methodAppendingValue(constant: Any)
  .methodAppendingValue(function: Any)
// ...

At the end of this chain is an object which the macro (from .transform) can access to extract from it a From value and a RuntimeDataStore value (currently type RuntimeDataStore = Vector[Any]). It means, that as long as macro would know what is stored at each RuntimeDataStore index, and what is the runtime type of the value, it would have all the information we provided it.

Carrying around the type-level configuration

The easiest way to store this kind of information was by introducing a phantom type (a type used only during compilation) which represented configuration as a sort of list: you start with a type representing an empty config, and then you prepend each config similar to how cons works in normal list. You end up with something like:


source.withFieldConst(_.a, ???).withFieldRenamed(_.b, _.c).transform
// has a Cfg type like
TransformerCfg.FieldRenamed[fieldBType, fieldCType, TransformerCfg.FieldConst[fieldAType, TransformerCfg.Empty]]
// Let's not dive into how field names are represented.

This type is built by whitebox macros (on Scala 2) or transparent inline def (Scala 3) - macros would read the tree of the _.fieldName, extract fieldName out of it, turn it into a type, and put it inside the new config type. (These macros would also append the constant/function to RuntimeDataStore).

The macro can parse this type, recovering the order in which types were applied, the name of each field, the type of each enum's subtype, etc. From that it can calculate on which index each override is stored.

Not everything though has to be stored in runtime. If you take a look at the source code you'll notice that there is another type, using similar tricks to TransformerCfg, called TransformerFlags. It is used to carry around settings (in the form of flags), that have no relation to a particular type, but still drive the macro logic. Contrary to TransformerCfg flags can also be shared: you can create an implicit TransformerConfiguration - this is the only implicit always looked for by:

  • automatic derivation
  • semiautomatic derivation
  • inlined derivation (into.transform)

And since it is an implicit, it can be shared between several different macro expansions.


//> using dep io.scalaland::chimney::1.5.0
import io.scalaland.chimney.dsl._

// All transformations derived in this scope will see these new flags (Scala 2-only syntax, see cookbook for Scala 3)
implicit val cfg = TransformerConfiguration.default.enableMacrosLogging


PartialTransformers are virtually identical to Transformers when it comes to this mechanics. They have a few more configs, meaning that they need a separate builder, but they use the same TransformerCfg and TransformerFlags.

How DSL allows semiautomatic derivation

Transformer.derive[From, To] works the same way as the automatic derivation - a macro is called, and internally it generates the expression of type To. Before returning the expression the macro wraps it with a type class. The only differences between automatic and semiautomatic is implicit keyword and upcasting Transformer to Transformer.AutoDerived.

Transformer.define[From, To].buildTransformer works like a mix of Transformer.derive[From, To] and from.into[To].transform: it carries around RuntimeDataStore like into.transform, but don't need to store source: From (it will be provided to the type class via argument). Then it derives the expression of type To and wraps it with a type class.

Scala 2 vs Scala 3 in DSL

Definitions of data that have to be accessed in runtime are shared between Scala 2 and Scala 3. Differences requiring separate implementations are mostly about:

  • extension methods (implicit class + AnyVal for Scala 2, extension for Scala 3) - distinct implementations
  • calling macros (def macro for Scala 2, inline def and transparent inline def for Scala 3) - either distinct implementations or some trait ClassNamePlatform mixins

However, both Scala 2 and Scala 3 use implicits, Scala 3 doesn't use givens since they could introduce a difference in the behavior (e.g. Scala 2 could still import module._ while Scala 3 would require import module{*, given} - in general such separation is a good idea, but not when it comes to cross-compilation).


Once DSL gathers all the user's inputs and requirements (in the form of: input value, source and target types, flags and overrides), it can pass this information to macros and let them compute the final expression (or error message).

Initializing macro

In the beginning, macros would perform several tasks that unblock all the future work:

  • if we are deriving inlined expression, macro will need Expr[From] (if this is PartialTransformer it will also require Expr[Boolean] representing fail fast flag)
  • if we are deriving type class, macro would need to create a type class body (sort of), which would create Expr[From] coming from Transformer's parameter
  • if we are using overrides, macro needs to figure out Expr[RuntimeDataStore]
  • finally macro needs to parse type-level representations of config and flags

All of these data would be put into a single object which would be passed around (TransformationContext) - macros do not use globals since every time macros need to do a recursive derivation we are creating a modified copy of this object.

Total vs Partial

If we only worked with Transformers and PartialTransformers were not a thing, we would always assume that the computed expression is Expr[To]. If we only derived PartialTransformers then... we could end up with either Expr[To] or Expr[partial.Result[To]]. With Partial derivation we do not need to always lift values from A to partial.Result[A] as soon as we get it - by delaying the wrapping as long as possible we are avoiding allocations.


//> using dep io.scalaland::chimney::1.5.0
import io.scalaland.chimney.dsl._
import io.scalaland.chimney.Transformer

case class Foo(a: Int, b: Int, c: Int)
case class Bar(a: String, b: String, c: String)

implicit val int2string: Transformer[Int, String] = _.toString

Foo(1, 2, 3).intoPartial[Bar].transform

would NOT generate anything similar to

val foo = Foo(1, 2, 3)
for {
  a <- partial.Result.fromValue(int2string.transform(foo.a))
  b <- partial.Result.fromValue(int2string.transform(foo.b))
  c <- partial.Result.fromValue(int2string.transform(foo.c))
} new Bar(a, b, c)

but rather:

val foo = Foo(1, 2, 3)
  new Bar(

This is a very important property, allowing us to avoid many allocations, but it also means that hardly ever we can assume inside a macro what is the type of the computed expression. Most of the time it's something like a Either[Expr[To], Expr[partial.Result[To]]] (let's call it TransformationExpr[To].), where we will compute some transformation and then check if it's Total or Partial expression to decide what to do with it.

It might happen that after a whole derivation for Partial the TransformationExpr[To] is still Total. In such case it will be wrapped with partial.Result as a last step, creating only 1 wrapping in the whole expression.

Derivation rules

Once we create the TransformationContext[From, To] we have all data in one place to start doing the actual TransformationExpr[To] derivation. We can define a set of Rules stating if this and this conditions are met, this rule applies (the conditions can be about From/To types, whether the derivation was triggered by Total or Partial, or a presence of a particular config). If a Rule would be matched, it would attempt to derive the expression. This attempt can either succeed or fail. The Rule's failure fails also the whole derivation.

But the Rule might decide that this particular case should not be handled and pass. This is not considered an error on its own. When a Rule does not apply another Rule is tested, and then another, until one of them decides to handle the case. Only after all Rules decide to pass we are failing compilation with an error telling the user that it is not a case handled by Chimney.

How Chimney group/split different Rules use cases into separate values is an implementation detail that could evolve as new use cases (and bugs) are discovered. Their order is also separately (and deterministically!) defined for each platform (perhaps some cases would only appear on a single Scala version or a single platform?). Nonetheless, there are some intuitions about the order in which Rules are tried, which should not change:

  • the first Rule to attempt is checking if the user provided us with an implicit and if there are any reasons to ignore it
  • the second rule to attempt is whether the value has to be converted at all, perhaps it is already at the right type or could be with just upcasting
  • then we have a whole much of special cases for: value classes, Options, Eithers, Arrays, collections... which could handle more edge cases than a generic rule for product types or sealed hierarchies. Their order is defined empirically - you throw a lot of tests and see if there is some Feature Interaction Bug coming from the current order of Rules, which could be fixed with adding some guard to one of them or by changing their order (because one is more specific than the other, and so the generic one would catch all the cases that we would prefer to be handled by a special casing one)
  • finally, we have 2 most generic rules: one rewriting classes into classes with public constructors (that includes: case classes, Java Beans, Plain Old Java Objects, and much more!) and one rewriting sealed hierarchies (sealed either by Scala or Java, so that includes sealed traits, sealed abstract classes, Scala 3's enums, and Java's enums)

A bit more information about each of these Rules (without getting into details that could change over time) is presented below.

Summoning implicits

Before attempting to summon any implicit, the Rule checks if it should do it in the first place:

  • if we provided overrides then the conversion for which we provided it should not use implicit (because how then we would use them?)
  • semiautomatic derivation has a guard against summoning implicit for itself. It prevents issues like


    implicit val transformerFromTo: Transformer[From, To] =
        Transformer.derive[From, To] // implicitly[Transformer[From, To]] == transformerFromTo - cyclic dependency

    This guard is removed when derivation enters into a recursive mapping of fields/subtypes/inner elements because there the recursion is wanted.

If there are no reasons to pass, Rule attempts summoning.

For Transformers it could only summon Transformer instance, so if it finds it, we are done.

For PartialTransformers we have 4 possible cases:

  • there is only PartialTransformer[From, To] - then we are using it and create partial.Result value
  • there is only Transformer[From, To] - then we will use it, and it will help us avoid wrapping with partial.Result a little bit longer
  • there are both PartialTransformer[From, To] and Transformer[From, To], and no configuration telling us which to pick - this is considered ambiguous and fails the derivation
  • there are both PartialTransformer[From, To] and Transformer[From, To], configuration telling us which to pick

This rule is special in that if no implicit is found, then Rule recovers to "passing on " rather than "failing".


Before attempting to upcast, the Rule checks if it should do it in the first place:

  • if we provided overrides then the conversion for which we provided it should not upcast (because how then we would use them?)

If From is a subtype of To and there are no reasons to pass, the rule upcasts From expression and returns success.

Special cases

Chimney would have specialized expression generation for things like:

  • singletons types - we might check if the target is a singleton type (case object, Scala 3 enum's paremeterless case, literal-based singleton type) and return the only possible value
  • AnyVals - we might check if wrapping/unwrapping/rewrapping is needed, and trigger a recursive derivation for the wrapped types
  • Options - we might check if wrapping/unwrapping (only in Partials)/mapping is needed and trigger a recursive derivation for the inner types
  • Options - we might check if wrapping/rewrapping is needed and trigger a recursive derivation for the inner types
  • Arrays and collections - since the type of "outer" type (collection type/array) can change, we not only need to map elements but also potentially covert the collection. In the case of PartialTransformers we also need to traverse these collections to accumulate errors and add indices/keys to the error information

For each of these Rule might decide whether the case should be handled. Some of these rules needs to be tested before some other rules (e.g. there might be several Rules for AnyVals with a specific order) and have no requirements about other rules (e.g. Rules handling Options might be unrelated to Rules handling AnyVals and not affect each other).

Product types

A Product Rule is an umbrella name for transformations that initially only handled product types (case classes and case class-like), but currently handle every case when we extract fields or methods, transform them, and put the results in the constructor (and maybe also setters).

This rule is very generic which is why is tested as last-but-one. To qualify for this rule the target type needs to have a public primary constructor and be non-abstract. If it is, the rule is applied and failure to successfully map fields and methods of the source type into the constructor's arguments and setters of the target type fails derivation.

The derivation has a few stages:

  • lists of possible getters (the source type) and the possible arguments (constructor + setters, the target type) are made
  • manual overrides are applied
  • arguments/setters which didn't have a manual override are being resolved by macro: if either type is s tuple, matching is done by the position, if neither is, matching is done by name
    • during matching, we're checking if inherited definitions should be used, if methods are allowed, if Bean getters/setters are allowed, etc
    • for each matching we are triggering a recursive derivation of an expression (from the source field type into the target argument type)
  • as the last resort, we are checking if fields with no override nor match can use fallback values
  • if no derivation failed, we can combine expressions for each argument into an expression building a whole constructor call
    • if the transformation is Total (or all expressions are Total), we can just pass them to the constructor and return the computed Total expression
    • if at least one expression is Partial, the whole returned expression also needs to be Partial, but its construction depends on how many Partial expressions we need to combine:
    • 1 Partial argument - can be mapped
    • 2 Partial arguments - can use partial.Result.map2 or similar
    • 3 or more Partial arguments - to be fast and avoid unnecessary allocations we need to build ourselves and expression which would respect failFast flag and avoid allocation of intermediate results using e.g. nulls and mutability (this is safe since the user cannot observe that nor break it)

This is the most complex Rule that Chimney has to consider.

Sealed hierarchies

The last rule is the transformation of sealed hierarchies (and/or Java's enums). This rule applies when both types are Scala's sealed (Scala's enum including) or Java's enums.

This rule is also very generic, although not as generic as the Products Rule, which is why it has to be among the last ones. It is tested after Product Rules to allow cases when the sealed type is not abstract and can be instantiated. To succeed this Rule has to pattern-match in the source type, and for each of its subtypes (exhaustive pattern-matching) find a mapping.

The derivation has a few stages:

  • lists of subtypes of both the source type and the target type are made
  • manual overrides are applied
  • the source type's subtypes that did not have a manual override are being resolved by macro, matching is done by name
  • if no derivation failed, we can combine expressions for each argument into an exhaustive pattern-matching
    • if the transformation is Total (or all expressions are Total), we only need to upcast each result to the target type
    • if at least 1 transformation is Partial we need to lift all the other expressions to partial.Result


To make sure that there are no "unused" warnings that the user could not fix (we have to name the value during pattern-matching to start derivation and then we learn if it's needed), we have to mark each variable as used.

This is done with:

val _ = value

syntax. However, if you log from the macro, you might notice that the compiler presents it differently:

(value: ValueType @scala.unchecked) match {
  case _ =>

which looks much more disturbing and suggests a performance penalty. However, in the bytecode you can find 1 extra istore_1 (tested on Scala 3), so it is not slow nor unsafe, only ugly.


In case there are type parameters in sealed trait, you will have a pattern-match (or specifically a type-match in our case) which is either:

  • not using type parameters and passing ? instead (potentially making the compiler complain that types do not match)
  • using type parameters and making compiler complain that types cannot be checked in the runtime

To prevent both issues we are passing type parameters (to have the correct types of extracted values) and annotating the matched value with @scala.unchecked.

Error handling and logging

Each macro expansion can emit only 1 message of each of these logging levels: info, warn, error, trace. Each next call will be treated as a no-op. There are printlns, but they do not work in: Scastie and build servers (printlns happen on a server that only sends you "proper" logs from the compilation).

Meanwhile, Chimney users should receive a list of all aggregated errors that failed the derivation. The only way we could do it (considering the above) is by gathering all the information to log with something similar to WriterT and collect all the errors with something similar to EitherT of some error semigroup. Internally there is a structure called DerivationResult which does exactly that and also stores logs in a structured way.

Thanks to that, we can both print error information about each tested failed derivation with an exact cause, and print a structured log of the whole derivation process.

Scala 2 vs Scala 3 in derivation

As much code as possible (but not more) is shared between Scala 2 and Scala 3. This way we want to avoid 2 separate codebases that would inevitably diverge through time, with different conventions, trade-offs, etc. Differences in behavior between 2 and 3 should be justifiable and documented, and never accidental.

The way we achieved this is by using a similar pattern to C. Hofer et al. Polymorphic Embedding of DSLs, GPCE, 2008 used in Endpoints4s and Endless4s:

Shared codebase

trait Definitions extends Types with Exprs
trait Types {
  type Type[A] // abstract type

  val Type: TypeModule
  trait TypeModule { this: Type.type =>
    // abstract companion object
trait Exprs { this: Types =>
  type Expr[A] // abstract type

  val Expr: ExprModule
  trait ExprModule { this: Expr.type =>
    // abstract companion object

Scala 2-only codebase

trait DefinitionsPlatform
    extends Definitions
    with TypesPlatform
    with ExprsPlatform {
  val c: scala.reflect.macros.blackbox.Context
trait TypesPlatform { this: DefinitionsPlatform =>
  type Type[A] = c.WeakTypeTag[A]

  object Type extends TypeModule {
    // ...
trait Exprs { this: Types =>
  type Expr[A] = c.Expr[A]

  object Expr extends ExprModule {
    // ...

Scala 3-only codebase

abstract class DefinitionsPlatform(using val quotes: scala.quoted.Quotes)
    extends Definitions
    with TypesPlatform
    with ExprsPlatform
trait TypesPlatform { this: DefinitionsPlatform =>
  type Type[A] = scala.quoted.Type[A]

  object Type extends TypeModule {
    // ...
trait Exprs { this: Types =>
  type Expr[A] = scala.quoted.Expr[A]

  object Expr extends ExprModule {
    // ...

This simplified code shows the general idea behind Chimney's multiplatform architecture. For every feature we needed in macros, we had to create an interface and then 2 platform-specific implementations. The biggest challenge was getting abstractions right enough, but that was done iteratively. However, those are implementation details that shouldn't matter to the user.

After defining the macro's logic with platform-independent code the only platform-specific code that has to be written for each platform separately is plugging in the platform-specific implementations and the entrypoint to the macro:

  • Scala 2 has a concept of c.prefix storing expression with the content of whatever was before the dot (e.g. for object.macroMethod it would be an expression with object)
  • Scala 3 requires passing each expression explicitly, with no exceptions (so we would often pass '{ this } )

These adjustments are required to extract source: From, possibly failFast: Boolean and RuntimeDataStore, to be able to pass them into macro.